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*Details of the next retreat listed further below on this page*


Have you been carrying the weight of the world & feeling like everything is a little too much as of late?

Do you desire to Re-connect with Yourself, your Purpose, your Partner & your Zest for Life?




  • Most people feel stressed, tired, anxious & burnt out due to having no ongoing self-care plan.
  • Several women & men feel completely disconnected from themselves, their partner & the world.
  • A vast amount of people feel emotionally unstable or completely numb to feeling any emotion at all.
  • 1 in 4 people suffer from mental health disturbances and depression.
  • 3 out of 4 people sabotage themselves, their success & their relationships.
  • Many people don’t have the right tools to powerfully navigate their day-to-day life, emotions & challenges.
  • Most people don’t have the right knowledge how to create long-lasting positive change in their life.
  • Too many people feel lonely due to not having a safe environment filled with like-minded people to connect with.


Fortunately – There is a solution…


Welcome to the High Vibe Healing Hub of Nourishment, Re-connection & Ascension.

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Linda’s 1 Day retreats are designed to recognise & overcome the common ‘human self-challenges’ in today’s world. They are designed to bring you back into balance & equip you with tools to powerfully help you navigate your day-to-day life on your own – so that you can keep thriving in love, happiness, energy & productivity.


Retreats vary between Yoga, Mindfulness, Emotional Alchemy, Nervous System Regulation, Stress-relief, Healing, Self-connection, Self-Love, Sisterhood Circles, Energetics, Relationships, Body Shame Alchemy, Personal Expansion & more…


Linda has extensive knowledge in Mindset, Psychology, Human Behaviour, Energetics, Emotional Alchemy, Yoga & Healing – And combined with her 15-year facilitation experience her delivery & wisdom invokes Life-changing Personal Transformation & Long-lasting Success.

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*A personal message from Linda*


Hello Magical Soul, and Welcome!

I am so excited you have landed on this page. I don’t believe in accidents, only synchronicities, therefore I know you are here for a reason.

My passion & expertise is to educate, assist and hold space for your transformation.

I am honoured to be the transmission of this powerful healing & expansion work, and I am looking forward to guiding you into further evolution of your Self, your Life, Purpose & Relationships.

We are not meant to do it all on our own… We are here to connect with each other, learn from each other & help each other grow.

Check the details of my next Retreat below and see you in the High Vibe Healing Hub. Looking forward to holding space for your beautiful transformation.

Hugs & High Vibes,
Linda x

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Come and experience Linda’s RECONNECT & RECEIVE themed Yoga & Healing Retreat and give yourself the gift of re-connecting to yourself and receiving deep healing, connection & rejuvenation.


In this September Retreat Linda will guide you into deeper states of Self-awareness, and also equip you with Self-care Tools to help you navigate your day-to-day duties with more ease & grace.


After this 1-day experience you will never be the same… Only better! You will leave feeling refreshed, recharged & equipped with new profound wisdom to help you for days, weeks, months & years to come.

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Can’t see a suitable Retreat?
Express your interest here & get notified when the next one launches!

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Want to book Linda to Co-facilitate at your upcoming Retreat?

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_empty_space][vc_btn title=”SEND AN INQUIRY” style=”custom” custom_background=”#f2dccb” custom_text=”#000000″ size=”lg” align=”center” link=””][vc_empty_space][vc_empty_space][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]